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Die MQTT API folgt der REST API Struktur. Alle API IDs (z.B. die Loadpoint ID) beginnen bei 1.

  • evcc: root topic
  • evcc/status: status (online/offline)
  • evcc/updated: timestamp of last update


  • evcc/site: site dynamic state
  • evcc/site/prioritySoc: battery priority SoC (writable)
  • evcc/site/bufferSoc: battery buffer SoC (writable)
  • evcc/site/bufferStartSoc: battery buffer start SoC (writable)
  • evcc/site/residualPower: grid residual power (writable)
  • evcc/site/smartCostLimit: smart charging cost limit (previously known as "cheap" tariff) (writable)
  • evcc/site/batteryDischargeControl: enable/disable battery discharge control (true/false) (writable)


Note: for vehicle names see evcc/vehicles.

  • evcc/vehicles: number of vehicles
  • evcc/vehicles/<name>/minSoc: minimum soc in % (writable)
  • evcc/vehicles/<name>/limitSoc: limit soc in % (writable)
  • evcc/vehicles/<name>/planSoc: plan soc (writable using JSON payload: {"value": 50, "time": "2023-03-05T07:00:00Z"})


  • evcc/loadpoints: number of available loadpoints
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>: dynamic state
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/mode: charge mode (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/minSoc: minimum SoC (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/limitSoc: limit SoC in % (writable) - only applicable for online vehicles
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/limitEnergy: limit energy in kWh (writable) - only applicable for offline vehicles
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/plan/energy: plan energy (writable using JSON payload: {"value": 50, "time": "2023-03-05T07:00:00Z"})
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/phases: enabled phases (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/minCurrent: current minCurrent value (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/maxCurrent: current maxCurrent value (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/enableThreshold: threshold value (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/disableThreshold: threshold value (writable)

Um schreibbare Einstellungen durchzuführen, muss ein /set am Ende des Topics hinzugefügt werden an welches der neue Wert gesendet wird. Beispiel: mosquitto_pub -t "evcc/loadpoints/1/phases/set" -m "3" um die Anzahl der netzseitigen Phasen am 1. Ladepunkt auf 3 festzulegen.


** Zeitangabe efolgt in UTC im Format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ


2023-03-05T07:00:00Z = 5. März 2023 um 8:00 Uhr MEZ

2023-08-17T19:30:00Z = 17. August 2023 um 21:30 Uhr MESZ