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To control charging, evcc needs to be able to communicate with at least one Charger.

The configuration is formatted as follows:

- name: wallbox
type: ...

All of the Chargers listed on this page are supported by evcc. Once you have adapted the code samples to suit your Charger(s) in evcc.yaml, you can test the connection using the evcc charger command, which returns the current status of all connected Chargers. If you just want to test one Charger at a time, use evcc charger --name my_charger.

$ ./evcc charger

Power: 0W
Current L1..L3: 0A 0A 0A
Charge status: A
Enabled: false


  • 1P/3P: Support for automatic phase switching. Wider power range (usually 1.4 to 11 kW).
  • RFID: Integration of an RFID card reader for vehicle identification.
  • mA regulation: Finer charging current regulation (mA instead of A) for better use of PV surplus.
  • ISO 15118: Support for Plug & Charge (vehicle identification, SoC transmission)

Filter by feature


Terra AC

Requires firmware >= 1.6.5

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: abb

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Terra AC (OCPP)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-abb
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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eM4 (SBCx)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: abl-em4

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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eMH1, eMH2

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: abl

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 38400 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
timeout: 10s # optional
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Alfen Eve

The "Active load balancing" license is required for external Modbus control of the charger. Enable "Active Load Balancing" and select "Energy Management System" as Data Source in the configuration. It is recommended to set "ValidityTime" ("TCP/IP EMS" menu) to 300s. When using "Double" charger both loadpoints need to be added. The the first port (or single) is accessable on ID 1, second port on ID 2.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: alfen

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Ladesäule Twin

The motherboard requires current firmware. You can recognize a current software version by the fact that the serial number on the brown relay starts with 2022 or there is a 15 on the small white relays. Otherwise, please contact the manufacturer directly.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: alphatec

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Wallbox Mini, Power

The motherboard requires current firmware. You can recognize a current software version by the fact that the serial number on the brown relay starts with 2022 or there is a 15 on the small white relays. Otherwise, please contact the manufacturer directly.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: alphatec

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: amperfied

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Wallbox connect.home

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: amperfied

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: amperfied-solar

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Wallbox Energy Control

Please read the wiring and configuration manual carefully. All boxes must be configured for external control in follower mode (DIP S5/4 OFF). Each box needs an individual Modbus ID (DIP S4). Ensure correct RS485 cabling including bus termination (DIP S6/2).

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: heidelberg

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 19200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Mode "HEMS activated" must be enabled. RFID tags can only be read by evcc.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: webasto-next
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: vestel

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Audi Wallbox pro

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ellipro
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Wallbox plus

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

Note: If you've added an energy meter to your charger please use the Pro or Connected+ integration.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elliconnect
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

AUTEL AC MaxiCharger, AC Compact (OCPP)

Setup Guide:

  • In the Autel Charge app, click on “OCPP Server”
  • In the search bar type “Custom” and select it.
  • Server URL: ws://[evcc-address]:8887/ (local network connection)
  • Charger ID: Leave empty (for use the serial number) or set custom value which is reused in configuration as stationid
  • Authorisation Key: leave empty
- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-autel
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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BMW i Wallbox

Requires firmware version 3.10.42 (C-series) bzw. 1.11 (X-series). For phase switching the Keba phase switch (KeContact S10) is also required and the switching control via Modbus must be set in the wallbox settings. For the X-series in the web menu, for the C-series via Modbus by setting the value "3" in register 5050.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: keba-modbus

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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cFos Power Brain, Power Brain Solar

S0 meters must be configured separately as charge meter. Phase switching is only available with the Solar variant and must be enabled by the user.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: cfos
host: # IP address or hostname
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Compleo eBox

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: innogy-ebox

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Charger Connect

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

Note: If you've added an energy meter to your charger please use the Pro or Connected+ integration.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elliconnect
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Connect 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ellipro
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro Eichrecht 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Dadapower Premium Wallbox

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: dadapower

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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DaheimLaden Wallbox (via ModbusTCP)

Wallbox must be operated with a recent firmware including Modbus support. Furthermore, “Nachladen” (Smart) or “RSDA” (Touch) must be activated in settings.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: daheimladen-mb
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)


AC Max Basic

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: delta

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 115200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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AC MAX Smart

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: delta

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 115200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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SLIM Charger

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: delta

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 115200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Ultra Fast Charger

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: delta

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 115200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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E.ON Drive


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: innogy-ebox

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: vestel

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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E3/DC Easy Connect

DIP switch 10 at the controller needs to be set to 'ON'. A recent controller firmware is recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: phoenix-ev-eth

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: easee
user: # Email address
password: # same as Easee app or the web portal (
charger: EH______
timeout: 20s # optional
authorize: # Controls wether evcc shall perform authentication against charger. Benefit is a contolled start of charging. Not compatible with RFID identification of vehicles. (optional)
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Charge Core

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: easee
user: # Email address
password: # same as Easee app or the web portal (
charger: EH______
timeout: 20s # optional
authorize: # Controls wether evcc shall perform authentication against charger. Benefit is a contolled start of charging. Not compatible with RFID identification of vehicles. (optional)
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Charge Lite

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: easee
user: # Email address
password: # same as Easee app or the web portal (
charger: EH______
timeout: 20s # optional
authorize: # Controls wether evcc shall perform authentication against charger. Benefit is a contolled start of charging. Not compatible with RFID identification of vehicles. (optional)
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: easee
user: # Email address
password: # same as Easee app or the web portal (
charger: EH______
timeout: 20s # optional
authorize: # Controls wether evcc shall perform authentication against charger. Benefit is a contolled start of charging. Not compatible with RFID identification of vehicles. (optional)
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Ebee Wallbox

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Charge mode must be configured as manual

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: hardybarth-ecb1
host: # IP address or hostname
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cPH2, cPμ2

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: hardybarth-salia
host: # IP address or hostname
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EcoHarmony EVSE EPC 2.0 Plus

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: obo

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 101
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 19200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 101
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 101
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

Edgetech Smart EVSE

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: smartevse

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port



- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-elecq
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-elecq
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-elecq
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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Charger Connect

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

Note: If you've added an energy meter to your charger please use the Pro or Connected+ integration.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elliconnect
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Connect 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ellipro
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro Eichrecht 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)



Requires FW Version >= E3C_V1.1. mA regulation requires FW version >= E3C_V1.3.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: em2go-home
host: # IP address or hostname

Pro Power, OCPP/ONC

Recent firmware with Modbus support required (Pro Power: 1.01 and OCPP/ONC: 3.15)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: em2go

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

Ensto Chago Wallbox

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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DIP switch 10 at the controller needs to be set to 'ON'. A recent controller firmware is recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: phoenix-ev-eth

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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eSystems ghostONE

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ghost
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)



The charger must be switched to "Power" charging mode.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: etrel
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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The charger must be switched to "Power" charging mode.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: etrel-duo
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elvi
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
meter: true # optional
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The device requires a fixed IP addres. It's important to set up EEBus first. After setting up EEBus the charger will recognize evcc as a HEMS device on the network. Please use the installer tool to select evcc as HEMS. After this has been done, copy the given SKI from the Install app and add it to your yaml.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: livo
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: evse-din

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: evsewifi
host: # IP address or hostname

Fronius Wattpilot (OCPP)

Note on configuring the Wattpilot using the solar.wattpilot app: The symbol next to the example OCPP server wss://<username>:<password><UID> is used for configuration. The evcc URL ws://<evcc-address>:8887/ must be entered here and "Add SN to URL" must be activated.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-fronius-wattpilot
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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Garo GLB, GLB+, LS4, LS4 compact

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Charger Gemini, HOME+, HOMEfix (V3)

Requires firmware 052.1 or later. Requires "HTTP API v1" api, "HTTP API v2" for 1P/3P phase switching. The “simulate unplugging” option should be activated in the Go-E app ("Car" menu item).

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: go-e-v3
host: # IP address or hostname
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Charger HOME+, HOMEfix, Pro

Requires firmware 040.0 or later. HTTP API v1 or v2 must be activated.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: go-e
host: # IP address or hostname
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Charge mode must be configured as manual

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: hardybarth-ecb1
host: # IP address or hostname
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cPH2, cPμ2

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: hardybarth-salia
host: # IP address or hostname
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Heidelberg Energy Control

Please read the wiring and configuration manual carefully. All boxes must be configured for external control in follower mode (DIP S5/4 OFF). Each box needs an individual Modbus ID (DIP S4). Ensure correct RS485 cabling including bus termination (DIP S6/2).

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: heidelberg

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 19200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Hesotec eSat, eBox

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: hesotec

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Homecharge Homecharger HC11L, HC22L

The charger must be equipped with a built-in meter (models HC11L/HC22L Energy or Profi). For the OCPP configuration, you need to access the EFR-SECC charge controller at http://host/secc. For login credentials, ask your dealer or the vendor EFR (

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: homecharge
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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Huawei SCharger-7KS-S0 / 22KT-S0

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-huawei
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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Innogy eBox

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: innogy-ebox

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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INRO Pantabox

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pantabox
host: # IP address or hostname

Juice Charger Me

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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KEBA KeContact P20, P30, C/X Series

Requires firmware version 3.10.42 (C-series) bzw. 1.11 (X-series). For phase switching the Keba phase switch (KeContact S10) is also required and the switching control via Modbus must be set in the wallbox settings. For the X-series in the web menu, for the C-series via Modbus by setting the value "3" in register 5050.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: keba-modbus

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Kontron Solar Charger

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ghost
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Kostal Enector

The wallbox must be configured as satellite/slave using the DIP switches on the mainboard and Modbus RTU must be enabled (bank S1: 4=ON, 5=ON, 7=OFF). No external meter should be connected directly to the wallbox, as all functions are controlled directly by evcc. For Kostal systems with Smart Energy Meter (KSEM), the additional activation code (Solar Pure Mode / Solar Plus Mode) for the KSEM is not required.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: mennekes-compact

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 50
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 57600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N2" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 50
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: kse

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 100
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 100
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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LadeFoxx EvLoad, Mikro 2.0

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: phoenix-charx

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

LRT HOME Essential+

The motherboard requires current firmware. You can recognize a current software version by the fact that the serial number on the brown relay starts with 2022 or there is a 15 on the small white relays. Otherwise, please contact the manufacturer directly.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: alphatec

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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AMEDIO Professional

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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AMTRON 4You 310

The wallbox must be configured as satellite/slave using the DIP switches on the mainboard and Modbus RTU must be enabled (bank S1: 4=ON, 5=ON, 7=OFF). No external meter should be connected directly to the wallbox, as all functions are controlled directly by evcc. For Kostal systems with Smart Energy Meter (KSEM), the additional activation code (Solar Pure Mode / Solar Plus Mode) for the KSEM is not required.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: mennekes-compact

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 50
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 57600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N2" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 50
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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AMTRON ChargeControl

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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AMTRON Compact 2.0s

The wallbox must be configured as satellite/slave using the DIP switches on the mainboard and Modbus RTU must be enabled (bank S1: 4=ON, 5=ON, 7=OFF). No external meter should be connected directly to the wallbox, as all functions are controlled directly by evcc. For Kostal systems with Smart Energy Meter (KSEM), the additional activation code (Solar Pure Mode / Solar Plus Mode) for the KSEM is not required.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: mennekes-compact

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 50
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 57600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N2" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 50
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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AMTRON Premium

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: mennekes-hcc3

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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AMTRON Professional

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: mennekes-hcc3

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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eMobility Gateway (ACU)

To configure, open the web interface of the ACU. Setup, Backend, Communication Protocol: Open Charge Point Protocol v1.6J Setup, Backend, Backend Server: The evcc URL ws://<evcc-address>:8887/ must be entered here. Basic Authentication: Disabled. OCPP 1.6 Settings: Enable all options.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-mennekes-acu
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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Smart, Smart T (ACU)

To configure, open the web interface of the ACU. Setup, Backend, Communication Protocol: Open Charge Point Protocol v1.6J Setup, Backend, Backend Server: The evcc URL ws://<evcc-address>:8887/ must be entered here. Basic Authentication: Disabled. OCPP 1.6 Settings: Enable all options.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp-mennekes-acu
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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NRGkick charging unit via HTTP (older than 2022/2023)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: nrgkick-connect
host: # IP address or hostname
password: # Password of the user account (use single quotes in case of leading zeros)


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: nrggen2

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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OBO Bettermann Ion

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: obo

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 101
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 19200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 101
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 101
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


Requires firmware 7.0 or later.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: openevse
host: # IP address or hostname
user: # User account (e.g. email address, user id, etc.) (optional)
password: # Password of the user account (use single quotes in case of leading zeros) (optional)



- name: my_charger
type: template
template: openwb-pro
host: # IP address or hostname


The wallbox has to be configured as loadpoint.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: openwb
host: # IP address or hostname

Software 2.x

Requires Software 2.x. The following changes are necessary under the 'Einstellungen' tab:

  • Steuerungsmodus: secondary
  • Steuerung über Modbus als secondary: An
- name: my_charger
type: template
template: openwb-2.0

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 1502 # Port

Optec Mobility One

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Orbis Viaris

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: orbis-viaris
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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PC Electric Garo

Only devices configured as master can be used right now!

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pcelectric-garo
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 8080 # Port (optional)
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Peblar Home, Home Plus, Business

Peblar chargers with firmware version 1.6 and onwards support Modbus TCP via port 502. The Modbus server needs to be enabled via the charger web interface. Ensure that smart charging strategies are disabled and set to Default.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: peblar

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Phoenix Contact


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: phoenix-charx

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: phoenix-em-eth

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 180
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


DIP switch 10 at the controller needs to be set to 'ON'. A recent controller firmware is recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: phoenix-ev-eth

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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EV-SER (Modbus RTU)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: phoenix-ev-ser

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


Mobile Charger Connect

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pmcc
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Mobile Charger Plus

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pmcp
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)


The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: porsche-wallbox
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Pracht Alpha XT, XT+, Mono XT, Mono XT+, PNI

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pracht-alpha

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
timeout: 10s # optional
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Pulsares SimpleBox

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pulsares

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pulsatrix
host: # IP address or hostname
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The charger must be in “Fast” mode and decoupled from the inverter system.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: solax

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 70
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 70
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: schneider-evlink-v3

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ichargecion

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


Wallbox pro

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: abl

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 38400 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
timeout: 10s # optional
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Wallbox pro s

Please read the wiring and configuration manual carefully. All boxes must be configured for external control in follower mode (DIP S5/4 OFF). Each box needs an individual Modbus ID (DIP S4). Ensure correct RS485 cabling including bus termination (DIP S6/2).

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: heidelberg

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 19200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Siemens Versicharge GEN3

Requires firmware >= 2.135

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: versicharge

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 2
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Charger Connect

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro Eichrecht

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

iV Charger Connect

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

Note: If you've added an energy meter to your charger please use the Pro or Connected+ integration.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elliconnect
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

iV Charger Connect+

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ellipro
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

SMA EV Charger, eCharger

The charger must be switched to "Fast" charging mode and the user must have "Administrator" rights.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: smaevcharger
host: # IP address or hostname
user: # User account (e.g. email address, user id, etc.)
password: # Password of the user account (use single quotes in case of leading zeros)
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Smartfox Pro Charger

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ichargecion

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: smartwb
host: # IP address or hostname

SolarEdge Home EV Charger

Requires firmware version 3.10.42 (C-series) bzw. 1.11 (X-series). For phase switching the Keba phase switch (KeContact S10) is also required and the switching control via Modbus must be set in the wallbox settings. For the X-series in the web menu, for the C-series via Modbus by setting the value "3" in register 5050.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: keba-modbus

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Solax X3-EVC

The charger must be in “Fast” mode and decoupled from the inverter system.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: solax

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 70
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 70
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Sonnen sonnenCharger

The charger must be switched to "Power" charging mode.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: etrel
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Stark in Strom Easy

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: evse-din

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

Sungrow AC011E-01

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: sungrow

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 248
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 248
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 248
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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TechniSat Technivolt

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Tesla TWC3

The TWC wallbox cannot be controlled directly. Control is via the vehicle. The vehicle must be associated with the TWC3 loadpoint. At this time only Tesla vehicles are supported.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: twc3
host: # IP address or hostname

Tigo GO EV Charger

The charger must be in “Fast” mode and decoupled from the inverter system.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: solax

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 70
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 70
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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WARP Charger Pro

WARP Firmware v2 required. Automatic phase switching requires the additional WARP Energy Manager.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: tinkerforge-warp
host: # IP address or hostname of the MQTT broker
port: 1883 # MQTT broker port (optional)
topic: warp # Topic (omit leading /) (optional)
timeout: 30s # Don't accept values older than this value (optional)
energymanager: # WEM Firmware v2 required. EnergyManager MQTT topic (if installed) (optional)

WARP Charger Smart

WARP Firmware v2 required. Automatic phase switching requires the additional WARP Energy Manager.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: tinkerforge-warp
host: # IP address or hostname of the MQTT broker
port: 1883 # MQTT broker port (optional)
topic: warp # Topic (omit leading /) (optional)
timeout: 30s # Don't accept values older than this value (optional)
energymanager: # WEM Firmware v2 required. EnergyManager MQTT topic (if installed) (optional)

WARP3 Charger Pro

The automatic phase switching for 1p vehicles must be deactivated. Siehe

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: tinkerforge-warp3
host: # IP address or hostname of the MQTT broker
port: 1883 # MQTT broker port (optional)
topic: warp # Topic (omit leading /) (optional)
timeout: 30s # Don't accept values older than this value (optional)

WARP3 Charger Smart

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: tinkerforge-warp3-smart
host: # IP address or hostname of the MQTT broker
port: 1883 # MQTT broker port (optional)
topic: warp # Topic (omit leading /) (optional)
timeout: 30s # Don't accept values older than this value (optional)

Ubitricity Heinz

The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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V2C Trydan

V2C trydan

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: trydan
host: # IP address or hostname
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Vestel EVC04 Home Smart, Connect Plus

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: vestel

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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EV Charging Station

Enter the host of the charger (not the GX device) and ensure that the charger is in manual mode.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: victron-evcs

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

EV Charging Station (via GX)

Enter the host of the GX device (not the charger). The charger has to be in manual mode and Modbus has to be configured for ID 100.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: victron

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 100
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

Viridian EV EVSE EPC 2.0 Plus

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: obo

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 101
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 19200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 101
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 101
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port


Charger Connect 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Charger Pro Eichrecht 2

The device has to be used in the normal charging mode.

The usage of phase switching is currently not possible in evcc.

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elli-2
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

ID. Charger Connect

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

Note: If you've added an energy meter to your charger please use the Pro or Connected+ integration.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: elliconnect
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

ID. Charger Pro

The device has to have a fix IP address (manuall or via DHCP).

The identification of a vehicle using the RFID card is not possible.

Important: A mostly flawless functionality can only be provided with an external energy meter and no usage of CT coils, due to sosftware bugs of the Wallbox. Using a LAN connection is highly recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ellipro
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

Wallbe Eco, Eco 2.0(s), Pro

DIP switch 10 at the controller needs to be set to 'ON'. A recent controller firmware is recommended.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: phoenix-ev-eth

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Pulsar Plus, Pulsar Max, Commander 2, Copper SB (FW 5.x)

Setup Guide:

  • Switch on “Enable OCPP” (myWallbox app) or enable the “OCPP WebSocket connection” switch (myWallbox Portal)
  • Enable “Improved charger control” (Profile -> Experimental functions) (myWallbox app)
  • URL: ws://[evcc-adresse]:8887/ (local network connection)
  • Charge Point Identity: Custom value (e.g. serial number of charger) which is reused in configuration as stationid
  • Password: leave empty
- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pulsarplus-fw5
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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Pulsar Plus, Pulsar Max, Commander 2, Copper SB (FW 6.x)

Setup Guide:

  • Switch on “Enable OCPP” (myWallbox app) or enable the “OCPP WebSocket connection” switch (myWallbox Portal)
  • Enable “Improved charger control” (Profile -> Experimental functions) (myWallbox app)
  • URL: ws://[evcc-adresse]:8887/ (local network connection)
  • Charge Point Identity: Custom value (e.g. serial number of charger) which is reused in configuration as stationid
  • Password: leave empty
- name: my_charger
type: template
template: pulsarplus
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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Walther Werke Basic Evo Pro

Please read the wiring and configuration manual carefully. All boxes must be configured for external control in follower mode (DIP S5/4 OFF). Each box needs an individual Modbus ID (DIP S4). Ensure correct RS485 cabling including bus termination (DIP S6/2).

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: heidelberg

# RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485serial
id: 1
device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
baudrate: 19200 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
comset: "8E1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

# RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)
modbus: rs485tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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The 'Modbus TCP Server' must be enabled. The setting 'Register Address Set' must NOT be set to 'Phoenix' or 'TQ-DM100'. Use the third selection labeled 'Ebee', 'Bender', 'MENNEKES' etc. Set 'Allow UID Disclose' to On.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: bender
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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Mode "HEMS activated" must be enabled. RFID tags can only be read by evcc.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: webasto-next
host: # IP address or hostname
port: 502 # Port (optional)
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- name: my_charger
type: template
template: vestel

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 255
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Weidmüller AC Smart

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: weidmüller
host: # IP address or hostname
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Zaptec Go, Pro

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: zaptec
id: # Charger ID (optional)
user: # User account (e.g. email address, user id, etc.) (optional)
password: # Password of the user account (use single quotes in case of leading zeros) (optional)
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Generic support



- name: my_charger
type: custom
status: # charger status A..F
source: ...
# ...
enabled: # charger enabled state (true/false or 0/1)
source: ...
# ...
enable: # set charger enabled state (true/false or 0/1)
source: ...
# ...
maxcurrent: # set charger max current (A)
source: ...
# ...

Optional, additionally add any of the following

maxcurrentmillis: # set charger max current (mA), maxcurrent: MUST be defined too!
source: ...
# ...
Phases1p3p: # phase switching (1/3)
source: ...
# ...
#1p3p does no longer handle disable/enable. Use tos: true to confirm you understand the consequences
tos: true
# no vehicle
- integrateddevice
# SoC as temperature
- heating
icon: ...

Demo charger

For demonstration purposes. Charger with a fixed set of values.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: demo-charger
status: A # [A, B, C] (optional)
power: 0 # optional
enabled: true # optional

EEBUS compatible Wallbox

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: eebus
ski: # SKI (Subject Key Identifier)
ip: # IP address (optional)

OCPP 1.6J compatible charger with Smart Charging Profile

With OCPP the connection will be established from charger (client) to evcc (server). The charger needs to be able to reach evcc via the host name (functioning DNS resolution required!) or via the IP address on port 8887. By default, the first incoming connection with any station identifier is used. In order to be able to clearly assign several charging points, the respective station identifier (stationid: ) and connector number (connector: ) must be configured. Many wallboxes automatically add the station id to the backend URL, some have to do this manually ws://<evcc>:8887/<stationid>. If the charger supports sending metering values try to adjust the interval to a short time span (< 10s) . Use your RFID tags (this allows e.g. vehicle identification) or set your charger to "free charging" or "autostart" to generate the transaction required for charging release.

If the charger does not offer any option to start transactions locally, the remotestart advanced option can be used to automatically start a transaction as soon as a vehicle is connected. This should only be necessary in exceptional cases.


  • If necessary, remove previously configured OCPP profiles (e.g. used for a different backend connection) in the charger configuration
  • Backend URL (Central System) in the charger configuration: ws://[evcc-adresse]:8887/ (possibly add stationid)
  • Protocol: OCPP-J v1.6, ocpp16j, JSON, Websocket, ws:// or similar
  • No encryption, no authentication, no password
  • Local network connection

The specific configuration and the actual usable functionality depend on the charger model and its software.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ocpp
stationid: EVB-P12354 # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
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Charger connected via the Tessie API. Allows control of charging state and configuration of maximum current.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: tessie
vin: W... # Required if you own multiple vehicles of the same brand
location: tessiehome

Heating devices

Bosch Bosch (SG Ready)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: emsesp
host: # IP address or hostname
token: # optional
tempsource: # [, warmwater] (optional)

Buderus Buderus (SG Ready)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: emsesp
host: # IP address or hostname
token: # optional
tempsource: # [, warmwater] (optional)

Bösch x-change

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: kermi
host: # IP address or hostname
tempsource: # [, warmwater, buffer] (optional)


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: idm

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
tempsource: # [, warmwater_top, warmwater_bottom, buffer] (optional)

Junkers Junkers (SG Ready)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: emsesp
host: # IP address or hostname
token: # optional
tempsource: # [, warmwater] (optional)

Kermi x-center pro

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: kermi
host: # IP address or hostname
tempsource: # [, warmwater, buffer] (optional)

Lambda EU-L Series

Energy management settings of the device:

  • E-Meter communication type: "ModBus Client"
  • E-Meter measuring point: "Pos. E-Überschuss"
- name: my_charger
type: template
template: lambda-zewotherm

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
tempsource: # [, warmwater_top, warmwater_bottom, buffer_top, buffer_bottom] (optional)



- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ac-elwa-2

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
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Weitere Informationen zum 💚 evcc Sponsorship gibt es hier.


- name: my_charger
type: template
template: ac-thor

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
tempsource: 1 # [1, 2, 3] (optional)
Sponsor-Token erforderlich

Weitere Informationen zum 💚 evcc Sponsorship gibt es hier.

Stiebel Eltron

LWA/LWZ (SG Ready)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: stiebel-lwa

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
tempsource: # [, warmwater] (optional)

WPM (SG Ready)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: stiebel-wpm

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
tempsource: # [, warmwater, buffer] (optional)

Tecalor THZ (SG Ready)

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: stiebel-lwa

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
tempsource: # [, warmwater] (optional)

Vaillant SensoNET (SG Ready)

The boost function heats hot water or a boost zone. The boost zone is identified by the ID. The boost temperature is specified in degrees Celsius. If boost temperature is specified, the boost zone is activated, otherwise hot water.

- name: my_charger
type: template
template: vaillant
user: # User account (e.g. email address, user id, etc.) (optional)
password: # Password of the user account (use single quotes in case of leading zeros) (optional)
zone: # Boost zone id (optional)
setpoint: # Boost temperature setpoint (optional)

Zewotherm EU-L Series

Energy management settings of the device:

  • E-Meter communication type: "ModBus Client"
  • E-Meter measuring point: "Pos. E-Überschuss"
- name: my_charger
type: template
template: lambda-zewotherm

# Modbus TCP
modbus: tcpip
id: 1
host: # Hostname
port: 502 # Port
tempsource: # [, warmwater_top, warmwater_bottom, buffer_top, buffer_bottom] (optional)