Dynamic Tariffs
If your own PV power is not sufficient, the charging power requirement must be covered from time to time by grid power. If you have an electricity tariff with flexible electricity prices such as Tibber or Awattar, you can optimize your grid charging with evcc.
Configure data source
The configuration of electricity prices currently still has to be done via evcc.yaml
Fixed electricity tariff
Here is the configuration for a fixed electricity tariff. This information is used to calculate the actual charging costs.
currency: EUR
type: fixed
price: 0.32 # EUR/kWh
Time-dependent electricity tariff
Using zones
you can specify different tariffs for certain periods of time.
You can define as many periods as you like in which a different tariff applies.
currency: EUR
type: fixed
price: 0.32 # EUR/kWh (default)
- days: Mo-Fr
hours: 2-6
price: 0.22 # EUR/kWh (weekdays 2-6 hours)
- days: Sa,So
price: 0.12 # EUR/kWh (weekend)
Dynamic electricity tariff via API
If you have an electricity tariff that follows electricity exchange tariff, for example, you can also obtain the prices via an API. Here is an example configuration for the electricity tariff from Tibber.
type: template
template: tibber
token: "..." # Access Token
You can find a list of all supported tariffs under tariffs. If your provider has an interface but is not yet supported by evcc, please submit a Feature Request.
Cheap grid charging
If you have configured a time-dependent or dynamic electricity tariff, the "Cheap grid charging" section will appear in the settings dialog at the charging point.

Here you can see the energy prices for the coming hours and set a price limit.

This limit applies in solar mode of the current charging point. If you click on "apply everywhere", the limit is applied to all charging points. In addition to Solar Surplus Charging, fast charging is now activated in the hours with low electricity prices (green bars).
Charging plan
By using charging plans you can regulate your energy costs even more precisely. All you have to do is enter your energy quantity (kWh) or your target charge level (%) and the desired departure time. If a time-dependent or dynamic electricity tariff is configured, the planning algorithm automatically selects the cheapest hours for charging.