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Here you'll find instructions for manually installing evcc on Windows.


This manual installation requires advanced PC knowledge, especially when working with the Command Prompt or PowerShell.

Running evcc on Windows is possible. However, evcc is typically used in a Linux environment (e.g., Raspberry Pi).


  • Download the appropriate file for your system
  • Extract the downloaded file (e.g., by double-clicking)
  • You'll now have a new folder containing the evcc program
  • Open Command Prompt and navigate to the folder containing the evcc program
  • Start evcc with the following command:
    evcc -v
  • You should see the current version of evcc (e.g., evcc version


Create a working evcc.yaml configuration file following the instructions under Configuration. You can start it with the following command:

./evcc -c evcc.yaml


Follow the steps above and replace the evcc program file with the new or previous version. The configuration does not need to be redone.

Background Service


This documentation assumes that evcc is located in c:\evcc.

These instructions were created using Windows 10.

  • Open the start menu and search for "Task Scheduler", then right click it and choose "Run As Administrator".

Windows 10 Task Scheduler

  • Once you've started Task Scheduler, you now need to choose whether to create the new service in your own folder, or in the general tasks folder. In this example, we create the evcc folder. To do this, select "New Folder..." from the right hand pane.

Task Scheduling Library

  • Now select the new evcc folder and open the popup menu again, where we now select "create task".

New Task window

  • Give the task a name (probably "evcc") and a short description. Since we need to run as a system service, open user management via "Change User or Group", and enter "SYSTEM" in the box. Once you click "Check Names", the word "SYSTEM" should be underscored - you can now click OK to close this dialog.

Task Window User Selection

  • Select the "triggers" menu, and click "New...".
  • Set the trigger to "At Startup", and check that the "activated" checkbox is ticked.


  • Open the "actions" menu, and again, select "New".
  • Make sure "Start a Program" is selected, then find your evcc.exe executable using the Browse option. We advise also setting the path in the "Start In..." box, to make sure that the configuration file is easily found by evcc.


  • Open the "conditions" menu.
  • These settings should be left as default, except in one scenario:

    SMA Home Manager can sometimes have issues when used with WiFi - try enabling the "Network" condition and selecting the appropriate connection interface in the dropdown.


  • Open the "settings" menu.
  • Make sure to select "run task as soon as possible...".
  • Also make sure "Stop the task if it runs longer than:" is not selected, unless you want a surprise in 3 days when evcc randomly stops running.


  • You're done! 🎉

The task can now be started manually, or test with a reboot. To check it's working as expected, use a browser to navigate to the evcc interface http://[ipaddress]:7070.