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Alle API IDs (z.B. die Loadpoint ID) beginnen bei 1.


  • GET /api/state: returns the state of the system
    Use the optional jq parameter for select a subset or specific value. e.g.: /api/state?jq=.statistics["30d"].avgPrice


  • GET /api/health: evcc health check
  • POST /api/prioritysoc/<soc>: battery priority soc in %
  • POST /api/buffersoc/<soc>: battery buffer soc in %
  • POST /api/bufferstartsoc/<soc>: battery buffer start soc in %
  • POST /api/residualpower/<power>: grid residual power in W
  • POST /api/batterydischargecontrol/<status>: enable/disable battery discharge control (true/false)
  • POST /api/smartcostlimit/<cost>: smart charging cost limit (previously known as "cheap" tariff)
  • GET /api/tariff/<type>: list of prices (grid/feedin/co2/planner)
  • GET /api/sessions[?format=csv&lang=<lang>]: charging sessions
  • GET /api/settings/telemetry: telemetry enabled status
  • POST /api/settings/telemetry/<status>: enable/disable telemetry (true/false)


Note: for vehicle names see vehicles array in /api/state response.

  • POST /api/vehicles/<name>/minsoc/<soc>: minimum soc in %
  • POST /api/vehicles/<name>/limitsoc/<soc>: limit soc in %
  • POST /api/vehicles/<name>/plan/soc/<soc>/<time>: soc in % / time in RFC3339 format **
  • DELETE /api/vehicles/<name>/plan/soc: disable plan charging


  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/mode/<mode>: charge mode (off/pv/minpv/now)
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/limitsoc/<soc>: limit soc in % - only applicable for online vehicles
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/limitenergy/<energy>: limit energy in kWh - only applicable for offline vehicles
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/plan/energy/<energy>/<time>: energy in kWh / target time in RFC3339 format **
  • DELETE /api/loadpoints/<id>/plan/energy: disable plan charging
  • GET /api/loadpoints/<id>/plan: charging plan details
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/phases/<phases>: allowed phases (0=auto/1=1p/3=3p)
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/mincurrent/<current>: current minCurrent value in A
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/maxcurrent/<current>: current maxCurrent value in A
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/enable/threshold/<threshold>: threshold value in W
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/disable/threshold/<threshold>: threshold value in W
  • POST /api/loadpoints/<id>/vehicle/<name>: set currently selected vehicle
  • DELETE /api/loadpoints/<id>/vehicle: remove vehicle
  • PATCH /api/loadpoints/<id>/vehicle: start vehicle detection

Beispiel: curl -X POST http://evcc:7070/api/loadpoints/1/mode/pv um den Lademodus des 1. Ladepunkts auf pv zu stellen.