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evcc supports the transmission of status information via Telegram, PushOver, ntfy, and many other services using the shoutrrr system. The configuration allows defining custom messages for specific events and systems.

messaging defines in sub-elements what and how to send. The events for which messages should be sent must be defined under events and the services through which the messages should be sent must be defined under services.

For example:

events: ...
services: ...


events defines the message content for various predefined events.

The available events are:

  • start: Charging has started
  • stop: Charging has stopped
  • connect: Vehicle connected
  • disconnect: Vehicle disconnected
  • soc: Vehicle battery state of charge changed
  • guest: Unknown vehicle detected

For example:

start: # charge start event
title: Charge started
msg: Started charging in "${mode}" mode


title defines the text for the message title.

For example:

title: Charge started


msg defines the text for the message content. Various variables in the format ${<variable name>} can be used to display evcc information in the text.


When using variables, make sure to use the correct capitalisation (uppercase/lowercase)!

Useful messages for use in evcc notifications:

msg VariableDescription
${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}Energy amount charged in kWh
${chargeDuration}Charging duration
${connectedDuration}Charger connection duration
${loadpoint}Number of loadpoints (charging point) 1,2...
${mode}Active charging mode (see mode of loadpoints)
${pvPower:%.1fk}Currently measured PV power in kW
${title}Charging point: Text from loadpoints title parameter
${vehicleTitle}Vehicle: Text from vehicles title parameter

For example:

  # Message examples using evcc variables
# start
msg: Charger ${title} started charging ${vehicleTitle} in ${mode} mode
# stop
msg: Charger ${title} finished charging ${vehicleTitle} with ${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}kWh in ${chargeDuration}
# connect
msg: ${vehicleTitle} connected on Charger ${title} at ${pvPower:%.1fk}kW PV
# disconnect
msg: ${vehicleTitle} disconnected of Charger ${title} after ${connectedDuration}

To render the msg texts, you can also use the go text/template syntax in combination with sprig functions.

# Message config using evcc go-text-template rendering, evcc variables and sprig-functions
start: # charge start event
title: Charge of {{.vehicleTitle}} started
msg: |
Charger {{.title}} started charging {{.vehicleTitle}} in {{ toString .mode | upper }} mode.
evcc Status {{printf `(%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d)` now.Year now.Month now.Day now.Hour now.Minute now.Second}}
Grid power: {{round (divf .gridPower 1000) 3 }} kW
Solar power: {{round (divf .pvPower 1000) 3 }} kW
Home consumption: {{round (divf .homePower 1000) 3 }} kW
{{if .batteryConfigured}}Battery storage status: {{round (divf .batteryPower 1000) 3 }} kW ({{.batterySoc }} %){{end}}
stop: # charge stop event
title: Charge of {{.vehicleTitle}} finished
msg: |
Charger {{.title}} finished charging {{.vehicleTitle}}
with {{round (divf .chargedEnergy 1000) 2 }} kWh in {{.chargeDuration}}.
evcc Status {{printf `(%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d)` now.Year now.Month now.Day now.Hour now.Minute now.Second}}
Grid power: {{round (divf .gridPower 1000) 3 }} kW
Solar power: {{round (divf .pvPower 1000) 3 }} kW
Home consumption: {{round (divf .homePower 1000) 3 }} kW
{{if .batteryConfigured}}Battery storage status: {{round (divf .batteryPower 1000) 3 }} kW ({{.batterySoc }} %){{end}}
connect: # vehicle connect event
title: "{{.vehicleTitle}} connected on Charger {{.title}}"
msg: |
{{.vehicleTitle}} connected on Charger {{.title}} at {{round (divf .pvPower 1000) 2 }} kW PV.
evcc Status {{printf `(%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d)` now.Year now.Month now.Day now.Hour now.Minute now.Second}}
Grid power: {{round (divf .gridPower 1000) 3 }} kW
Solar power: {{round (divf .pvPower 1000) 3 }} kW
Home consumption: {{round (divf .homePower 1000) 3 }} kW
{{if .batteryConfigured}}Battery storage status: {{round (divf .batteryPower 1000) 3 }} kW ({{.batterySoc }} %){{end}}
disconnect: # vehicle connected event
title: "{{.vehicleTitle}} disconnected of Charger {{.title}}"
msg: |
{{.vehicleTitle}} disconnected of Charger {{.title}} after {{.connectedDuration}}.
evcc Status {{printf `(%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d)` now.Year now.Month now.Day now.Hour now.Minute now.Second}}
Grid power: {{round (divf .gridPower 1000) 3 }} kW
Solar power: {{round (divf .pvPower 1000) 3 }} kW

Home consumption: {{round (divf .homePower 1000) 3 }} kW
{{if .batteryConfigured}}Battery storage status: {{round (divf .batteryPower 1000) 3 }} kW ({{.batterySoc }} %){{end}}

List of all evcc-provided variables:

The variables provided by evcc (also see /api/state) must be defined as ${<VariableName>} or in the go-template format {{<VariableName>}} in the message text. Multiple variables in the message text are possible.

  • Site
    • Configuration
      • siteTitle - Main headline of the evcc app (string)
      • prioritySoc - Minimum Powerwall state of charge in percent before PV mode release (integer)
    • Information
      • batteryConfigured - Indicator, home battery/Powerwall meter configured (bool)
      • gridConfigured - Indicator, smart/grid meter configured (bool)
      • pvConfigured - Indicator, solar panels/photovoltaic meter configured (bool)
  • Tariff Information
    • currency - Tariff currency (string)
    • tariffFeedIn - PV feed-in remuneration per kWh in tariff currency (float)
    • tariffGrid - Grid consumption price per kWh in tariff currency (float)
  • Meter Information
    • batteryPower - Current home battery/Powerwall power in watts (float)
    • batterySoc - Current state of charge of home battery/Powerwall in percent (integer)
    • gridPower - Current grid feed-in(-) or consumption(+) in watts (float)
    • homePower - Current home consumption power (excluding Charger consumption) in watts (float)
    • pvPower - Current solar panels power in watts (float)
  • Charging Point (loadpoint)
    • Configuration
      • loadpoint - Loadpoint index (integer)
      • maxCurrent - Maximum charging current in amperes (float)
      • minCurrent - Minimum charging current in amperes (float)
      • mode - Initial mode of the charging point after evcc start off/now/min/pv (string)
      • phases - Initial active number of phases of the charging point after evcc start (integer)
      • title - Label of the charging point in the evcc app (string)
    • Information
      • activePhases- Currently active number of phases of the charging point (integer)
      • chargeCurrent - Current total charging current in amperes (float)
      • chargeCurrents - Current charging current per active phase in amperes (float)
      • chargeDuration - Charging duration in nanoseconds (integer)
      • chargePower - Current charging power in watts (float)
      • chargeRemainingDuration - Charging time in nanoseconds until the target state of charge (integer)
      • chargeRemainingEnergy - Required energy until the target state of charge in watt-hours (float)
      • chargedEnergy - Energy charged so far in watt-hours (float)
      • charging - Indicator, charging process active (bool)
      • enabled - Indicator, charging enabled (bool)
      • hasVehicle - Indicator, vehicle definitions assigned to the charging point (bool)
      • targetTime - Target charging time in nanoseconds since 1970 UTC (integer)
      • pvAction - Control variable for PV timer control enable/disable (string)
      • pvRemaining - Required PV remaining charging time with activated timer control in nanoseconds (integer)
  • Vehicles (vehicles)
    • Configuration
    • Information
      • climater - Status of vehicle climatisation on/off/heating/cooling (string)
      • connected - Indicator, vehicle connected to the charging point (bool)
      • connectedDuration - Duration of vehicle connection in nanoseconds (integer)
      • vehicleOdometer - Current vehicle odometer reading in kilometers (float)
      • vehiclePresent - Indicator, evcc can access vehicle data (bool)
      • vehicleRange - Current vehicle range in kilometers (float)
      • vehicleSoc - Current state of charge of the vehicle battery in percent (integer)
  • Savings Efficiency Information
    • savingsAmount - Sum of evcc savings (float)
    • savingsEffectivePrice - Calculated savings price (float)
    • savingsGridCharged - Consumed grid energy in Wh (float)
    • savingsSelfConsumptionCharged - Consumed solar energy in Wh (float)
    • savingsSelfConsumptionPercent - Percentage of consumed solar energy in Wh (float)
    • savingsSince - Time period of savings calculation in nanoseconds (integer)
    • savingsTotalCharged - Total energy consumed in Wh (float)
  • Charging Session Information
    • sessionSolarPercentage - Solar percentage of the session
    • sessionPrice - Price of the charged energy of the session
    • sessionPricePerKWh - Average price of energy per kWh of the session
    • sessionCO<sub>2</sub>PerKWh - Average CO2 emissions per kWh
  • Sponsor
    • Configuration
      • auth - Authentication token of the evcc sponsor (string)
    • Information
      • sponsor - Name of the evcc sponsor (string)


services defines a list of message services to be used.

For example:

- type: pushover
app: 12345
- 234567

The following sections will now explain all the required parameters.


type defines the type of message service to be used.

Possible values:

For example:

- type: pushover

Supported Services


pushover uses the Pushover service. Details can be found at Pushover API.

For example:

- type: pushover
app: # API Token/Key of the created application in Pushover
- # List of recipients: either User Key or Delivery Group. Groups created in Pushover can be limited to specific devices.
- Johns phone
- Mias ticker


telegram uses the Telegram Messenger service.

For example:

- type: telegram
token: # bot id : each running instance of evcc needs its own bot id
- # List of chat or group IDs. Each entry requires a - sign in the beginning and must be in a separate line.
- -GroupID #Note: Group IDs in Telegram have a - sign
- ChatID


email uses the shoutrrr service.

Here, the parameter uri with the value smtp://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/?fromAddress=<from>&toAddresses=<to> is expected. The placeholders are to be replaced as follows:

  • <host>: Address (hostname or IP address) of the email server
  • <port>: Port address of the email server
  • <user>: Username for the email server
  • <password>: User password
  • <from>: Sender's email address
  • <to>: Recipient's email address

For example:

- type: email
uri: smtp://username:password@emailserver.domain:1234/?


shout uses the shoutrrr service and supports all its services.

The configuration is shown in the following example using Gotify, and the same applies to the other options through the same method.

For example:

- type: shout
uri: gotify://

Further information can be found in the shoutrrr documentation on supported services.


ntfy uses the ntfy service.

Here, the parameter uri with the value https://<host>/<topics> is expected. The placeholders are to be replaced as follows:

  • <host>: Address (hostname or IP address) of the ntfy server
  • <topics>: Subscribed topic or topics

Optional parameters are priority and tags. All parameters are passed as strings.

For example:

- type: ntfy
priority: default
tags: electric_plug,blue_car

Further information can be found in the ntfy documentation.


script starts shell scripts or other commands to send messages or start any action based on the events.

The path to the script must be specified in cmdline. Likewise, a timeout should be set. The timeout specifies after how much time the script will be aborted.

For example:

- type: script
cmdline: /home/pi/
timeout: 50s