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Plugins can be used to integrate various devices and external data sources into evcc. These can be used through the custom value of the type parameter in meter (power meters), charger (charging stations), or vehicle (vehicles).

Plugins allow both write access and read access. When the plugin is used for writing, the data is provided in the ${var[:format]} format. If format is not specified, the data is provided in the default %v Go Format. The variables are replaced with their corresponding values before the plugin is executed. Additionally the full functionality of the Go template library can be used to implement more complex data transformations.

Modbus (read/write)​

The modbus plugin can read data from any Modbus-capable device or SunSpec-compatible inverter. Many power meters are already pre-configured (see MBMD Supported Devices). It is also possible to write Modbus registers to integrate additional charging stations.

For more details, see the Modbus Documentation.

MQTT (read/write)​

The mqtt plugin allows reading values via MQTT topics. This is particularly useful for power meters, for example, if they already provide their data via MQTT. Refer to MBMD for an example of how to get Modbus measurement data into MQTT. The plugin also offers the ability to read or parse JSON data structures using jq-like queries (See HTTP plugin).

Example of reading from a device:

source: mqtt
topic: mbmd/sdm1-1/Power
timeout: 30s # don't accept values older than timeout
scale: 0.001 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for converting Wh to kWh

For write access, the data is provided with the payload attribute. If this parameter is missing from the configuration, the value is written in the default format.

Example of writing to a device:

source: mqtt
topic: mbmd/charger/maxcurrent
payload: ${var:%d}

HTTP (read/write)​

The http plugin performs HTTP calls to read or update data. It also includes the ability to read or transform JSON data structures using jq queries (e.g., for REST APIs). The full set of functionalities can be found in the official jq documentation.


XML documents are automatically converted to JSON format internally, which can then be filtered like a native JSON response using jq. Attributes are prefixed with attr.


For testing jq queries, tools like for JSON queries and for regular expression tests can be helpful.

Example of reading from a device:

source: http
uri: https://volkszaehler/api/data/<uuid>.json?from=now
method: GET # default HTTP method
- content-type: application/json
auth: # basic authorisation
type: basic
user: foo
password: bar
insecure: false # set to true to trust self-signed certificates
jq: .data.tuples[0][1] # parse response json
scale: 0.001 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for converting kW to W
timeout: 10s # timeout in golang duration format, see
source: http
uri: http://charger/status
jq: .total_power > 10 # Converts a json integer to a boolean value

Example of writing to a device:

body: %v # only applicable for PUT or POST requests
source: http
uri: "http://charger/relay/0?turn={{if .enable}}on{{else}}off{{end}}"

Websocket (read only)​

The websocket plugin provides a WebSocket listener. It also includes the ability to read or parse JSON data structures using jq-like queries. This can be used, for example, to receive data from VolkszΓ€hler's push server.

Example of reading from a device:

source: http
uri: ws://<volkszaehler host:port>/socket
jq: .data | select(.uuid=="<uuid>") .tuples[0][1] # parse message json
scale: 0.001 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for converting Wh to kWh
timeout: 30s # error if no update received in 30 seconds

SMA/Speedwire (read only)​

The sma plugin provides an interface to SMA devices that support the Speedwire protocol.

Example of reading from a device:

source: sma
uri: # alternative to serial
serial: 123456 # alternative to uri
value: ActivePowerPlus # ID of value to read
password: "0000" # optional (default: 0000)
interface: eth0 # optional
scale: 1 # optional scale factor for value

Supported values for value can be found in the diagnostic output using the evcc meter command (with configured SMA meter devices).

All possible values can be found as constants here (use the constant name for value).

Javascript (read/write)​

evcc integrates a Javascript interpreter with the Underscore.js library, which is directly accessible through _., e.g., _.random(0,5). The js plugin can execute JavaScript code using the script parameter. Very helpful for quickly creating prototypes:

Example of reading from a device:

source: js
script: |
var res = 500;
2 * res; // returns 1000

When the js plugin is used for writing, the value to be written is passed to the script as a variable:

Example of writing to a device:

- type: custom
source: js
script: |

Shell Script (read/write)​

The script plugin executes external scripts to read or update data. The plugin is useful for integrating any kind of external functionality.

Example of reading from a device:

source: script
cmd: /bin/bash -c "cat /dev/urandom"
timeout: 5s

Example of writing to a device:

source: script
cmd: /home/user/ ${enable:%b} # format boolean enable as 0/1
timeout: 5s

Const (read only)​

The const plugin returns a constant value. It is suitable, for example, to apply fixed correction values (offsets) to a variable value using the calc plugin, or to simulate measurement and status values for testing purposes.

Example of reading from a device:

source: const
value: -16247

Calc (read only)​

The calc plugin allows for further processing of multiple individual values mathematically:

Example of reading from a device:

source: calc
- source: ...
- source: ...
source: calc
- source

: calc
source: ... (power)
- source: ... (current)

The basic arithmetic operations of addition (add) and multiplication (mul) are supported as operands.

With scale: -1, a simple subtraction can be performed, and with scale: 0.001, division can be used, for example, to convert kWh to Wh.

With sign: (every positive number becomes +1, every negative number becomes -1, 0 remains 0), signs can be transferred to other values (in conjunction with mul). For example, to transfer the "direction" of power (injection or consumption) to the measured currents.

The calc plugin is helpful for:

  • Summing power values from individual PV strings (addition)
  • Calculating apparent power from voltage and current (multiplication)
  • Combining separate power values for import and export into a signed single value (subtraction)
  • Calculating percentage fill levels (division)
  • Determining the correct direction of current flow (sign)
  • Eliminating known offsets (addition with const plugin)

Constant auxiliary values (e.g., for offsets) can be generated as operands using the const plugin.

Combined Status (read only)​

The combined status plugin is used to convert mixed boolean status values of Plugged / Charging into an evcc-compatible charging status of A..F. It is used, for example, with the OpenWB MQTT integration.

Example of reading from a device:

source: combined
source: mqtt
topic: openWB/lp/1/boolPlugStat
source: mqtt
topic: openWB/lp/1/boolChargeStat